Writing Challenge : ” Writers and Poets, Take A Break, Be A Traveler” : Five Photos, Five Stories – Day 02

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Nami Island, South Korea


Give yourself a break! Loosen that muscles. Stretch your hands sideways and to the front. Bend your knees. Bend forward,backward, right side, and left side. Tiring, isn’t it. But it’s good for your body.

If you are an aspiring writer or poet-to-be, or a seasoned one, your tasks should not be limited to table works, that is, lap-tops, computers, typewriters, paper and pens. Locking yourself in the four corners of your room and squeezing your mind dry for something to write about is a tiring daily or nightly routine to create something to share a piece of your mind. It sounds monotonous doing the same grinding of your little brain to the limits.  How about grabbing  a week’s vacation? To a neighboring island maybe. Or to a different location or region. If you’re living near a beach, this time try to live and commune with nature in the mountains and vice versa. Try running after a butterfly or finding the source of the tweet of a bird. Ride a horse or a carabao to the market. Climb a coconut tree as far as you can go. Experience the break of dawn without the sounds of cars and buses. Take your bath in a lake or in a well.

Aren’t they enriching your mind and experience? And they are materials for your writings. Keep those experiences in your mind and lay them out to your computer when you get home. You have a fresh imagination and thoughts going to your writings. You’ll gain a different perspective of life other than what you have now. Enrich your mind today. Plant plenty of experiences into your head and harvest them later for you are a writer and  be a traveler.

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