Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award

I would like to thank sunshinebaby86 for nominating me for the Brotherhood of the World Bloggers’ Award. Visit her blog and know her best at     Thank you very much!

Here are my answers to the questions:

  1. At home they call me Bibot. So, everybody who’s fond of me call that nick, Bot.
  2. It’s been gathering dust since we graduated from college a long time ago. It’s browning now, and those volumes really need to be browsed. It’s the ENCYCLOPEDIA  AMERICANA in 30 volumes.
  3. I always lay myself on bed sleepy. So, sleeping is an easy thing. With eyes and mind closed from outside disturbance, dreaming follows.
  4.  With my laptop beside me, I think I can last for a month in solitary confinement. I’ll just spend all of the time to writing and other activities at my laptop. I guess a month is as easy as ABC.
  5. Quietly, I’ll look for someone I know and begin a conversation.
  6. I am convinced it’s the sense of feel that is strongest in me and by all means, I’m ready to throw away my sense of smell. Isn’t it good not to smell those bad odors around you?

    Here are the rules:

    Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
    List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
    Answer the questions set to you.
    Nominate around ten bloggers.
    Create your set of questions for your nominees.

    Here are my intrusions to your privacy,  questions you need to answer :

    1. How often do you have your foot cleaned and massaged in a foot spa? Why or Why not?
    2. Did you have honors in High School. Did you receive any medals? Why or Why not?
    3. Is blogging an option to you? Explain.
    4. In your life now, would you say it’s successful? Why or Why not?
    5. Are you happy now that you have this kind of award? Why or Why not?

My contenders for the award :

  1. Krisana17      –
  2. koolitzable      –   https://
  3. toritto    –
  4. Blair King  –
  5. life in the foothills   –   babso2you  –
  6. visionariekind    –
  7. smiles here & smiles there    –
  8. Bluntly Put      –

10 thoughts on “Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award

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